Posted by : Unknown
Rabu, 06 Juni 2012
Aggron Stonebreaker - The Ogre Magi Range: 128 | Move Speed: 295 Primary: INT Str: 23 + 3.2 | Agi: 14 + 1.55 | Int: 17 + 2.4 Damage: 58 - 64 | HP: 587 | Mana: 221 HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.69 Attack Speed: 0.67 | Armor: 5 | Ogres, a race bred to be warriors, have no experience with the arcane arts, leaving Aggron, who was born with a rare affinity to magic, without guidance regarding his innate abilities. His own force of will harnesses his talent to produce elemental flames and explosions that consume his opponents. Being a natural warrior, he reaches into his own aggression to fuel his comrades' lust for battle. His savage, untapped magical potential is prone to fiery outbursts which enhance the potency of his spells. A towering force built on strength and magic, Aggron is honored by his people and feared by his enemies. |
Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire. Deals intense damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds.
Level 1 - Deals 80 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 145 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 210 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 275 damage.
• Damage type: magical
• When Multicast, Fireblast hits the same target each time with a 0.3 seconds interval.
• Mana cost is increased by 30 / 80 / 110 when learning Multicast.
Mana Cost: 75/85/95/105
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Drenches a target in volatile chemicals, causing it to burst into flames. The target is under immense pain, causing it to take damage and move slower.
Level 1 - 26 damage/sec; 20% slow. Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 2 - 32 damage/sec; 22% slow. Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 3 - 38 damage/sec; 24% slow. Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 4 - 44 damage/sec; 25% slow. Lasts 7 seconds.
• Damage type: magical
• Multicast makes this spell have an AoE.
Mana Cost: 95/105/115/125
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Incites a frenzy in a friendly unit, increasing its movement speed and attack speed. Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 1 - Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 6%.
Level 2 - Increases attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 9%
Level 3 - Increases attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 12%
Level 4 - Increases attack speed by 50% and movement speed by 15%
• When Multicast, nearby allies will be selected randomly in an 600 AoE to be Bloodlusted.
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Enables the Ogre Magi to rapidly cast his spells, giving them greater potency. Gives a chance to cast a spell multiple times in one cast. Reduces Fire Blast's cooldown by 2 seconds per level, reduces Bloodlust's cooldown by 5 seconds per level and Increases Ignite's area of effect by 150 per level.
Level 1 - 25% chance to cast twice
Level 2 - 40% chance to cast twice, 20% chance to cast three times
Level 3 - 50% chance to cast twice, 25% chance to cast three times, and 12.5% chance to cast 4 times
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
• Gives Fireblast and Bloodlust a chance to cast multiple times and makes Ignite an AOE spell.
• Increases Fireblast mana cost by 30 / 70 / 110.
• The chances mentioned are the chance to get at least that many casts.
• The chance to get exactly 1 cast on level 2 Multicast is 50%, 2 casts - 25%, 3 casts - 25%.
• The chance to get exactly 1 cast on level 3 Multicast is 40%, 2 casts - 30%, 3 casts - 15% and 4 casts - 15%.