Posted by : Unknown Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Sentinel Strength

Rubick - Grand MagusAurel Vlaicu - GyrocopterIo - The Guardian WispEredar - The Shadow Demon
Kunkka - Admiral ProudmooreRexxar - The BeastmasterBradwarden - The Centaur WarchiefRaigor Stonehoof - The Earthshaker
Purist Thunderwrath - The OmniknightMangix - The Pandaren BrewmasterSven - The RogueknightTiny - The Stone Giant
Cairne Bloodhoof - Tauren   ChieftainRooftrellen - The Treant Protector

Neutral Strength

Razzil Darkbrew - AlchemistRigwarl - The BristlebackRattletrap - Clockwerk GoblinKnight Davion - The Dragon Knight
Magnus - MagnataurHuskar - Sacred WarriorCrixalis - Sand KingBarathrum - Spiritbreaker
Leviathan - TidehunterIcarus - PhoenixYmir - Tuskarr

Scourge Strength

Mogul Khan - AxeNessaj - Chaos KnightLucifer - The Doom BringerN`aix - The Lifestealer
Abaddon - Lord of AvernusBanehallow - LycanthropeBalanar - The Night StalkerAzgalor - Pit Lord
Pudge - ButcherKing Leoric - The Skeleton KingSlardar - The Slithereen GuardDirge - Undying

Sentinel Agility

Magina - The Anti-MageKardel Sharpeye - Dwarven SniperYurnero - The JuggernautSyllabear - The Lone Druid
Luna Moonfang - Moon RiderMorphling - The MorphlingSlithice - The Naga SirenAzwraith - The Phantom Lancer
Mirana Nightshade - Priestess of the   MoonRikimaru - The Stealth AssasinJah’rakal - Troll Warlord

Neutral Agility

Gondar - The Bounty HunterTraxex - The Drow RangerDark Terror - The Faceless VoidMeepo - Geomancer
Razor - The Lightning RevenantMedusa - The GorgonLanaya - Templar AssassinUlfsaar - The Ursa Warrior
Shendelzare Silkwood - The Vengeful   SpiritSlark - The Murloc Nightcrawler

Scourge Agility

Strygwyr - The BloodseekerBone Clinkz - The Bone FletcherBlack Arachnia - The BroodmotherAnub`arak - The Nerubian Assassin
Anub`seran - The Nerubian WeaverMortred - The Phantom AssassinNevermore - The Shadow FiendTerrorblade - The Soul Keeper
Mercurial - The SpectreLesale Deathbringer - The VenomancerViper - The Netherdrake

Sentinel Intelligence

Rylai Crestfall - Crystal MaidenAiushtha - The EnchantressPuck - Faerie DragonChen - The Holy Knight
Ezalor - The Keeper of the LightZeus - Lord of OlympiaFurion - The ProphetNortrom - The Silencer
Lina Inverse - The SlayerRaijin Thunderkeg - Storm SpiritAlleria - WindrunnerThrall - Disruptor

Neutral Intelligence

Jin'zakk - BatriderSquee and Spleen - The Goblin TechiesKael - InvokerAggron Stonebreaker - The Ogre Magi
Dazzle - Shadow PriestRhasta - Shadow ShamanBoush - The TinkerVisage - Necro`lic
Leshrac - Tormented SoulJakiro - The Twin Head DragonVol`Jin - The Witch DoctorKaldr - The Ancient Apparition

Scourge Intelligence

Atropos - The Bane ElementalIsh'kafel - Dark SeerKrobelus - The Death ProphetLion - Demon Witch
Darchrow - EnigmaKel`Thuzad - LichRotund`jere - NecrolytePugna - Oblivion
Harbinger - Obsidian DestroyerAkasha - The Queen of PainDemnok Lannik - Warlock

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