[Sand Wraith "The Forgotten One"] .sand wraith .sw .spectre (1.0.9)
Skill Build1 - Desert's Curse
2 - Dissipate
3 - Desert's Curse
4 - Dissipate
5 - Desert's Curse
6 - Mirage
7 - Desert's Curse
8 -Dissipate
9 - Dissipate
10 - Deserted
11 - Mirage
12 - Deserted
13 - Deserted
14 - Deserted
15 - Stats
16 - Mirage
17 - Stats+
Justification / Modifications:
Dissipate is generally favored over Deserted. Only if you have complete lanecontrol you should switch them up.
Lane Starting Items:
1x Runes of the Blight, 1x Healing Potion, Logger's Hatchet, Duck Boots
(Iron Shield >>) Lifetube >> Steam Boots >> Helm of the Black Legion
Iron Shield can be skipped if the game goes easy.
After Core:Nullfire Blade >> Mock of Brilliance >> Frostwulf Skull >> Behemoth's Heart >> Barbed Armor >> Riftshards
Heart and Barbed Armor to make sure no one can kill you without dying first. Skull + Ulti = Win. Mock can be skipped in favor of a faster Skull.
Alternative Items:
You can rush a naked Mock in pubs which will allow you to farm the rest much faster. In higher level games it is NOT recommended!
Roles: Hard Carry, Initiator
Properties: TankPrefered Lane: Short
Difficulty: 3 - Medium
Farming capabilities: 1 - Poor
Item dependancy: 5 - Very Heavy
- Early Game / Lane Control: 1 - Poor
- Mid Game / Ganks: 2 - Weak (Ulti starts to becoma a viable tool)
- Late Game / Team Fights: 5 - Very Strong
Noteable +/- and synergies:
- Requires a lot of farm, turtle strat
- Your ultimate allows you to farm ALL THE TIME. This is what separates Sand Wraith from most carries. If a teamfight is happening just activate Mirage and you are right in the middle of it.
- Always Carry a TP!! When getting ganked while farming throw out a Desert's Curse (doesn't matter if it hits anything) and walk straight into the forest where they can't follow you. Then TP to another lane and continue farming.
- It's rather hard to deny her farm as she can almost always escape. If you gank her bring 2 or more players and some disables.
- If she is becoming a threat buy a barrier idol to counter her Dissipate (and Mock).
- If she ults on you, instantly use a Homecoming stone if you can't kill her. She can't cancel it.